Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just write, damn it!

Today I received some great advice from some published authors, turn off your inner editor and just complete that first draft. So many never even get that far because they keep rehashing the first few chapters to make them perfect. (That sounds familiar) Worry about that later. Just get all your thoughts down even if it's not perfect. "Just spew the words out and don't worry about it." - Stacie.

I've been writing a few chapters, then second guessing myself and starting over. I'm going to just write and not look back until I finish. I don't know why I find it so difficult, really. When I wrote my fanfic stories, I would write a chapter in an evening and then post it live for all to read. I had a vague idea of where I wanted the story to go, but once I posted it, I couldn't change it, so I just went on from there. The stories aren't too bad, either. A lot of fanfic authors write that way so that they can incorporate suggestions from the people who leave reviews and comments.

So do what those that are already published have obviously done, just get it all out, no matter how ugly it is the first time around. Nothing is permanent. That's what your word processing program is for.

Off I go to purge the story from my brain. Wish me luck!

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